Alchemy Moon Phase Today
Why are there different names here?
While most online calculators serve astronomical purposes, this one is based on Alchemy studies to harness the moon's energy for personal growth. Therefore, we work with 4 phases instead of 8:
- New Moon and waxing crescent are considered one.
- The Crescent Moon phase occurs from the "first quarter" to the last day of the "waxing gibbous."
- Full Moon and "waning gibbous" are considered one.
- The Waning Moon includes the "last quarter" and the "waning crescent."

The Alchemy Way of Harnessing the Energy of the Moon to Manifest Everything!
It's no secret that the moon plays a crucial role in the formation of life on Earth. Since the dawn of time, humans have been fascinated by the moon.
For Alchemy, the moon is the mother. And what does a mother want for their children?
She wants them to be happy! The mother nurtures and cares for her children.
That's why manifesting with the moon is so powerful!
Through millennia of creating detailed theories, experiments, and specialized equipment, alchemists understood life. More importantly, they discovered powerful methods to manifest a dream life.
Or, in Alchemy's words:
"Alchemy helps you find the Philosopher's Stone, granting you the ability to manifest your deepest desires."
This is what I call the "Law of Attraction on Steroids."
Are you ready to find the Philosopher's Stone?